Adyapeath is a sacred Hindu temple of great significance, established in 1967. It was originally founded back in 1915 by the followers of Annada Charan Bhattacharya – a great devotee of Maa Kali and Sri Ramkrishna. Adya Maa being a Divine form of Maa Kali the temple has great religious significance. The main altar of the temple is having three sub-altars. The bottom is having the statue of Sri Ramkrishna, the middle is having Maa Adya and the top altar displays Radha and Krishna.
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Radha Krishna
Ramkrishna Parmhans
Our Services
Houses, feeds, and educates approximately 700 destitute and orphaned children from throughout West Bengal.
Houses, feeds, and educates approximately 700 destitute and orphaned children from throughout West Bengal
(Feeding of the Poor) Feeding the poor in the name of God is one of the principal activities of the Sangha. Food is distributed to approximately 300 to 500 people daily, irrespective of caste, colour, and creed.
Two separate ashrams, one for men and one for women. Together they house about 220 adults who wish to dedicate their lives to spirituality and service.
Houses, feeds, and educates approximately 700 destitute and orphaned children from throughout West Bengal
(Feeding of the Poor)
Feeding the poor in the name of God is one of the principal activities of the Sangha. Food is distributed to approximately 300 to 500 people daily, irrespective of caste, colour, and creed.
Brahmachari Mural Bhai
( General Secretory Cum Trustee, Dakshineswar Ramkrishna Sangha Adyapeath)
Brahmachari Mural Bhai had joined at the organization,Dakshineswar Ramakrishna Sangha Adyapeath in his tender age as back as 42 years ago.During this period he has proved his worth as a devoted worker of the organization by his dedication, diligence and hard work in developing this sangha.With his sincere effort, integrity of character and having the capacity of undertaking the infinite pains in the matter of hard labour he has been able to establish the organization to its present shape by expanding its social service both india and abroad.
Some pictures of Adyapeath Mandir
Managing Members
Connect with us
Dakshineswar Ramkrishna Sangha
50, D.D. Mondal Ghat Road, Dakshineswar, Kolkata-700076, West Bengal
Mandir Opentime
Early Morning : 4:30am to 5:00am
Morning : 10:30am to 11:00am
Evening: 6:30pm to 07:00pm